WSDL Glossary
What is WSDL
Web services description language (WSDL) is an XML document that describes a web service. WSDL is often pronounced "wizdul". It describes what operations a web service provides, the structure of the messages it sends and receives, and how to send those messages. This article is a very brief overview of the common WSDL elements. If you are new to WSDL, you may prefer to read Understanding WSDL.
Core WSDL Elements
The <definitions>
element is the WSDL's root XML element. It typically contains several other elements including
types , message, portType, binding and service.
The <types>
element contains XML schema type definitions (xsd). The xsd's describe the structure of the XML sent and
received by the web service.
A message is an XML document that can be sent or received by the web service. A message is usually associated with one
or more operation. For example, an operation to createNewOrder
might have an input message newOrder
and an output message orderStatus
PortType (Interfac
The <portType>
element is best thought of as an interface, and will be renamed as such in version 1.2 of the WSDL
specification. It contains one or more <operation>
An <operation>
element defines an operation with the web service. It groups together the message elements
that can be passed to or from the web service. An operation can have an input and output message (request-response), or
it can just define an input message (one-way), send an output message only (notification) or send an output message to
ask for an input message (solicit-response). The operation may also define a fault message too.
A <binding>
element is a collection of one or more operations
. It describes how an operation is implemented. It
defines the communication protocol (e.g. http), style of service (document or rpc), and the SOAPAction
HTTP header for
the defined operations.
Document & RPC
The document style indicates that the SOAP body will contain an XML document (and is able to be validated by the previously defined xsd's). An RPC style indicates that the SOAP body will contain an XML representation of a method call. It includes the method name and parameters of the method to generate the XML structure. Follow this link for a more in-depth discussion on Document and RPC style web services
The <service>
element defines the endpoint (port) that exposes a particular binding. I.e. the URL to use to call an
operation within the binding
Example WSDL Document
<definitions name="EndorsementSearch"
<!-- omitted types section with content model schema info \-->
<message name="GetEndorsingBoarderRequest">
<part name="body" element="esxsd:GetEndorsingBoarder"/>
<message name="GetEndorsingBoarderResponse">
<part name="body" element="esxsd:GetEndorsingBoarderResponse"/>
<portType name="GetEndorsingBoarderPortType">
<operation name="GetEndorsingBoarder">
<input message="es:GetEndorsingBoarderRequest"/>
<output message="es:GetEndorsingBoarderResponse"/>
<fault message="es:GetEndorsingBoarderFault"/>
<binding name="EndorsementSearchSoapBinding" type="es:GetEndorsingBoarderPortType">
<soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
<operation name="GetEndorsingBoarder">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"
<soap:body use="literal"
<soap:body use="literal"
<service name="EndorsementSearchService">
<documentation>snowboarding\ Endorsement Service</documentation>
<port name="GetEndorsingBoarderPort" binding="es:EndorsementSearchSoapBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>